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When Must Investigators Disclose Their Own and/or Family Member's Outside Financial Interests?

Fiscal Disharmonize of Interest (FCOI)

The Financial Conflict of Interest Policy, Grants Information Memorandum (GIM) 10, establishes guidelines for disclosure of Significant Fiscal Interests and management of Financial Conflicts of Interests in enquiry, sponsored programs, and technology transfer activities at the University. The information accessible through this folio provides details of relevant policies, procedures, and systems.

All UW Investigators must disclose Meaning Financial Interests (SFIs) for Sponsored Inquiry proposals via the Fiscal Interest Disclosure System (FIDS).

Visit FIDS Homepage

In add-on to disclosing Significant Financial Interests (SFIs), PHS-Investigators must also complete Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) training once at least every four years. Not-PHS Investigators are encouraged to accept the training as needed.

Have FCOI Preparation

SFI Review for Sponsored Research Progress Reporting

SFI Review for Unsponsored Research that Requires IRB Approval

SFI Review Procedure

What is a Financial Disharmonize of Interest?

Conflicts of involvement in research are present when a Pregnant Financial Involvement directly affects, or could appear to affect, the professional judgment of a researcher when designing, conducting, or reporting research.

Who needs to disclose?

  • PHS Investigators must disembalm all Significant Financial Interests
  • Non-PHS Investigators must disembalm only those Pregnant Financial Interests related to their inquiry

What is considered an SFI?

An SFI is present when any of the following are received past an Investigator or their Immediate Family Member:

  • Combined compensation* and disinterestedness exceeding $five,000 in a publicly traded visitor
  • Bounty* exceeding $v,000 or any equity in a privately held company
  • Compensation* exceeding $5,000 from Intellectual Property not managed by the UW

* Sponsored/Reimbursed travel is a form of bounty when associated with a performed service

When do I disembalm?

New or increased SFI need to be disclosed:

  • Within thirty (thirty) days of acquisition
  • Within thirty (thirty) days of starting a new, or joining an ongoing, research project
  • At least annually past PHS Investigators

Why exercise I need to disclose?

State and Federal regulations crave the University of Washington to have policies in place to promote objectivity in research for which PHS Funding is sought (42 CFR Part 50 Subpart F), too every bit to address State laws prohibiting country employees from having an interest that is in disharmonize with their official duties (42.52 RCW).

How do I disclose?

Using the Financial Involvement Disclosure System (FIDS) – Overview and Navigation

Collaborations and Reporting PHS FCOI

For collaborating institutions reporting FCOI or requesting updates regarding FCOIs identified in PHS-Sponsored Research at the UW delight contact u.s.a. at


I'm a PHS-Investigator and I received $5,000 in compensation for serving on the Scientific Advisory Board of a local biotechnology visitor, I conceptualize receiving an additional $2,000 for these services in the next few months—am I required to disclose this compensation?
Yes, bounty exceeding $v,000 received, or anticipated to be received, within a twelve (12) month menses requires disclosure under GIM ten.
I'thou a Non-PHS Investigator and I received $6,000 in compensation for serving on an Engineering Advisory Board for an Industrial Engineering science business firm—am I required to disembalm this compensation?
If you lot advised on products or services yous are evaluating in the course of your University inquiry, or yous believe the piece of work you are doing on the Advisory Lath is related to any of your University enquiry, you must disclose this compensation and exist put on a Conflict Management Program to mitigate any concerns which may arise under Washington State Ethics laws.
I am working with CoMotion to patent engineering science that I developed in my University laboratory. Practise I need to disclose this as an Intellectual Property involvement? What if I'm on the Board of Directors for a Company that wishes to license my technology?
No. Intellectual Property, and any associated royalties or payments that are managed past the UW are considered to autumn within your University responsibilities and compensation. Disclosures of Significant Financial Interests in private companies should be submitted by PHS-Investigators regardless of the entities' involvement in University engineering. All Innovators with SFI in an entity licensing technology for which they are a correspondent volition be issued a Conflict Management Plan—CoMotion and the Office of Research work together closely at fourth dimension of Option or License to ensure compliance with applicable policies.
I am receiving money from Manufacture, both for my salary and for expenses to acquit enquiry related to one of their products or services, should I disembalm this equally SFI?
No. Any sponsored-research managed by the University, that is—it was routed through an eGC1 and negotiated by the Office of Sponsored Programs—is considered to fall inside the scope of your Academy responsibilities and compensation. If the entity sponsoring Academy enquiry is also paying y'all directly for other services, that compensation may require disclosure every bit outlined past GIM x.

Boosted Considerations

  • Non-PHS Investigators are required to disclose those Significant Financial Interests they deem to be related to their research. Because the Investigator has already made a conclusion of relatedness, most SFIs disclosed for not-PHS research will effect in a Disharmonize Management Plan being issued.
  • Technology Transfer transactions in which a UW Innovator has a Pregnant Financial Interest in the entity licensing the University technology require Conflict Management.
  • Fiscal Conflicts of Interest identified in PHS-Sponsored Inquiry must exist made available to the public, and and so are posted to a University of Washington webpage. These FCOI are too reported annually to the sponsoring agency via eRA Eatables.


I submitted and received approval for outside work via the Request for Blessing of Exterior Professional Piece of work for Bounty (Class 1460) process, do I also need to study the compensation equally a Significant Financial Involvement in FIDS?
Yes, if the compensation meets thresholds divers in GIM 10 it may require disclosure in FIDS.


Who is an Investigator?
An "Investigator" includes the Principal Investigator (PI) and whatsoever other University person, regardless of title or position, that is responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of research. Additional guidance.
Do I need to submit disclosures of my Pregnant Financial Interests?
All Investigators should be submitting disclosures of Significant Financial Interests. For Non-PHS-Funded Investigators, these disclosures need only occur when the Investigator determines the SFI is related to the inquiry. For PHS-Funded Research, all Investigators—that is, anyone contributing to the blueprint, conduct, or reporting of the research—are required to disclose SFI or assert they have no SFI. This includes faculty, postdoctoral scholars, graduate students, undergraduate students, and staff.
Can my Section Ambassador or Assistant submit my disclosures for me?
No. Investigators are required to use their own UW NetID to log in to FIDS and complete their disclosures.


Exercise I need to admission FIDS?
All yous demand is your UW NetID and your password.
Do I demand to include any detail well-nigh services I've provided which resulted in this external bounty?
Yep, including a concise clarification of outside work activities, and/or a clarification of the company'southward line of business concern or the line of business for which services were provided, volition enable the quickest review of SFI for FCOI and will reduce likelihood the Part of Research will need to contact y'all to collect more item about the disclosed SFI.


Do I accept to disclose SFI?
Not-PHS-Investigators must disembalm related SFI at time of eGC1 submission to OSP. PHS-Funded Investigators are required to disclose prior to awarding, within thirty (30) days of joining a research projection, and at to the lowest degree annually.
Are my disclosures reviewed?
In about cases, SFI are not reviewed until and unless an award is made. Exceptions include: No Cost Extensions, Advance Budget Requests, Applied science Transfer Agreements, and unsponsored research that requires IRB approval.


Practice I certify to the sponsor that I've completed the required training or submitted a disclosure?
The Role of Sponsored Programs handles all certifications, both for individuals and the institution. If your sponsor is requiring additional certifications, such as assurance of no institutional disharmonize, contact the Function of Research for assist.
Do I request SFI review for an IRB activity that does not have a respective eGC1?
Contact the Office of Research for help.


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